Since my husband, John, and I retired, we are now free to spend more time on “Grandparent duties.” Things like taking kids to the dentist so Mom doesn’t have to take off work. Or running forgotten things to the school, like homework or a Chrome book.
One thing I enjoy the most is meeting my grandkids at their schools for lunch. Parents don’t usually have this luxury. So, me and John showing up with a restaurant lunch is a special treat.
When we take lunch to my son Zach’s kids, it’s an all-day affair. He has four children, and three of them are at the same school. When we go see the young ones, we’re there for the long haul. The ladies in the front office laugh when they see us coming, loaded down like a pack mule.
Telling them we’ll come can seem like a small thing, a promise easily broken. After all, I justify to myself, I can always go next week. Missing a particular day is no big deal.
But I saw firsthand how wrong that assumption is.
Last week was Grandparents’ Day at Zach’s kids’ school. Liam, the oldest of the three, asked if we could come. John had plans, but of course, I said I’d be there.
Because it was Grandparents’ Day, a line had formed in the front office.
I headed down to the lunchroom to get a table while a runner went for the boys. Because of the delay, Alice’s class was already seated by the time I arrived. Usually, we’re there waiting for them, and we surprise them as they’re walking in from recess. But Liam told the other two we would be there, so Alice watched the door, waiting for me to come in.
She had just turned away when I entered, so she didn’t see me. Her shoulders slumped. She crossed her arms on the table and laid her head on them. Was she upset? I snuck up behind her, covered her eyes with my hands, and said, “Guess who’s here?”
When she lifted her face and turned toward me, a grin split her face from ear to ear, but a lone tear slipped down her cheek. She thought I wasn’t coming. She thought I had broken my promise. With a quick hug, all was made right in the world. We headed to the parents’ table, where the boys soon joined us.

What if I’d changed my mind? What if I told myself, “You’re busy . . . so many things to do today. Just go next week?” Alice’s tear gave the answer to that question.
One thing we can always trust in is God. He always keeps His promises. The Bible tells us, “He remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13.
In Deuteronomy 31:8, God promised to never leave us or forsake us. Never will He leave sitting at the lunch table wondering where He is.
This knowledge of God’s faithfulness gets me through tough times. When I feel like life spins out of control or wonder why events didn’t pan out the way I expected, I fall back on this belief. God has promised to work all things out to the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).
But best of all, nothing I can ever do will cause Him to stop loving me. One of my favorite verses in the Bible says this:
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
That’s a powerful promise. And if ever I forget it and lay my head down to cry, I know God will come up behind me and say, “Guess who’s here?”
I appreciate your reminder of God’s faithfulness in your post. It’s reassuring to know that just as you showed up for Alice, we can trust that God will always be there for us, never leaving us alone in our struggles.
Beautiful article about keeping promises. Grandkids need to know grandma and God will do what they said they would.
Thank you for sharing that with us and you’re right, that is a powerful promise made by God, so comforting knowing He will always be there for us no matter if no-one else is.
Loved the story as well as the Bible verse. Nothing is going right for me health-wise but I’m doing my best to hang in there. Uplifting stories such as this one help me stay focused. Thanks for sharing.
Great lesson learned.
My favorite promise verse is
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
In Isaiah 41 where God says he holds me with His righteous right hand.
Also I think in Deuteronomy where God says He has your front and your back.
Grandchildren are a wonderful gift from God. We can enjoy them more than we did our own children because we are older, wiser, and have more time.
Love this!! Our word matters!
Your grandchildren are beautiful, Paula!!! I miss the days when mine lived nearby and I could meet them at school for lunch. Those were extra-special times, to be sure.
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