I enjoy finding words I don’t know. I like to learn their definitions and their backgrounds. I don’t know if everyone enjoys words, or if it’s only writers, but I’m having fun making these videos. Let’s see how many you know!
WotD – titrate. Read it in @SarahSundinAuthor ‘s book “In Perfect Time.” I bet you don’t know this one unless you’re a doctor or a pharmacist. Do you know it? #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday PaulaPeckham.com
Word of the day – paradiddle. Band nerds, unite! We know this word! Do you? If you do, can you DO it? #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday PaulaPeckham.com
Do you know what a laparoscopic surgery is like? I do. Do you know the aftermath is AWFUL? I do. #wordoftheday#booktok#writersoftiktok PaulaPeckham.com
#stitch with @alyssaheltonauthor my Christmas anthology, Texas Heirloom Ornament. It has three novellas that span from 1923 to 2015. This book makes the perfect gift for your friends and family! #booktok#writersoftiktok PaulaPeckham.com
Do you know today’s word? Pulchritude. #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday My main character in Protected (coming out March, 2022) has a natural pulchritude. PaulaPeckham.com
Word of the day – mardy. If you’ve spent five minutes around a teenager in your life, you’re gonna love this word. Thanks, Mark, for another submission. #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday My upcoming book, Protected, tells the story of nine kids left stranded on their way to Texas in a wagon train. Plenty of mardy teens in that book. Look for it in March, 2022.
Word of the day! I guessed this had something to do with ice skating. I wasn’t TOO far off. Do you know this one? Glissade #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday
Be honest. Did you have ANY idea what a Firth was before today? #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday PaulaPeckham.com No firths involved in my book, Protected, but we do see the San Antonio River.
WOTD- pot-valor. Possibly also known as false courage. Thanks, Jodi, for sending it in. #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday PaulaPeckham.com Need ideas for Christmas gifts? Check out my two latest books – Christmas anthologies. Great for getting your holiday spirit woken up. “Christmas Love Through the Ages” and “Texas Heirloom Ornament.”
Today’s word is guest submitted by fellow author, Rue Sparks. Check out her new book that just launched, The Fable of Wren. I bet you don’t know this one! I’ve never heard of it before today. It’s a good one. #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday PaulaPeckham.com Check out my latest book as well – Texas Heirloom Ornament. It’s a Christmas anthology.
Word of the day, courtesy of DuoLingo. Pinto #booktok#wordoftheday#writersoftiktok PaulaPeckham.com My debut novel, Protected, comes out in March, 2022, and it is set in Texas. There is a lot of Spanish in the story.
More words to pronounce as if the were the names of Greek heroes: Articles, barnacles, bicycles, chronicles, icicles, intangibles, obstacles, particles, reptiles, spectacles, tentacles, vehicles. #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday PaulaPeckham.com
Word of the day. Unless you’re Mark Rankin, I’ll bet you a coke you don’t know this word. But you’re gonna laugh when you hear what it means. Enjoy! #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday PaulaPeckham.com
Unless you’re a historian, you may never have even HEARD this word. Who knows it? “Manumission.” Brag on yourself if you knew it already. #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday#acfw Paulapeckham.com
Surely I’m not the only one who didn’t know this word. Comment with your best guess and we’ll laugh at the worst ones. Defenestration #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday
Word of the day – peripatetic. No cheating! Don’t look it up. Best guess? What’s it mean? #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday Check out paulapeckham.com.
Word of the day – obeisance. #booktok#writersoftiktok#wordoftheday I’m just happy it’s cool enough to sit outside in the afternoon in Texas and not melt.