Hey, friends! I’m looking for interested parties.
My next book comes out on October 24, and I’m seeking partners to help me get the word out. If you’re interested in participating in a book launch, fill out the form attached below.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will include posting a graphic about the book on your social media once (sometimes twice) a week for the duration of the launch. You will also receive a digital ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of the book to read. Once the book is released, you will post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub (or whichever of those you have an account with).
There are prizes involved! And if you invite a friend to join us, your name goes in the pot for the prizes double the times.
Can you help me spread the word? My latest characters, Jonathan and Quenby, will appreciate getting to know new readers.
Click the link below if you can help. Thanks!
Click Here to Apply for the Accepted by Paula Peckham Book Launch Team. https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScW3…/viewform
(Why is there a donkey pictured? Read the book to find out.)
That donkey! Is one of my favorite characters in this book.
lol…mine too