Save the date. More details to follow as soon as Painting With a Twist confirms the availability of the artwork we’ve chosen. When they give me a thumbs up, I’ll pass along a link so you can register.
To make it more exciting, I’m doing a raffle. We’ll have two lucky winners. One will win a frame for their lovely painting, and the other will have their registration paid for. To be entered in the drawing, send me a) a photo of yourself holding (or even better, reading!) a copy of Texas Heirloom Ornament or b) your Amazon receipt from buying it (if it didn’t arrive in time for the party).
Seating is limited, so sign up soon! I hope to see you there.
I have signed up!
Thanks for coming! It was great to meet you. I enjoyed sharing the experience with you.
I hope to go! I love PWAT, and I’m anxious to begin this book.
We love it too!
Sounds like a fun idea for a launch party. Looking forward to it!
We really enjoy Painting With a Twist. It’s our go-to for special days now.
I just ordered my book in paperback so you can autograph it!
I will be attending the launch party. I have it on my calendar. Thanks for inviting me.
Thank you, friend! Yours will be the best painting there.